Karakafes Otu Nedir?
Karakafes Otu Nedir? Karakafes otu hodangiller familyasına ait bir bitki türüdür.Güneşli ve nemli bölgelerde yetişir.Yapraklarının uçları sivridir.Üst yüzeyi yeşil, alt yüzeyi ise tüylü ve daha soluk bir yeşildir.Farklı alanlarda sağlık…
Kara Gürgen Nedir?
Kara Gürgen Nedir? Kışın yaprak döken, dalları narin ve kabukları gri renkli, düzgün veya levhalar halinde çatlak olan ağaç veya boylu çalılardır.Yaklaşık 25 metre boyuna ulaşabilir, çok dallıdır ve dağınık…
Karaca Otu Nedir?
Karaca Otu Nedir? Karaca Otu, düğün çiçeğigiller familyasından otsu ve tohumlarından çoğalan bir bitkidir. Kumlu ve gevşek toprakları seven bu bitki, çiçeklenme dönemine kadar su ister ve daha sonra sulanmaz.Halk…
What is the meaning of seeing a child in dream?
What is the meaning of seeing a child in dream? A dream about a child (under the age of thirteen or so) may be a dream about yourself.If you are…
Shepherd Dream Meanings
Shepherd Dream Meanings Seeing a shepherd in a dream indicates a teacher, judge, supervisor and officer, as well as things such as wealth and sustenance.Seeing a shepherd in the dream…
Pinch Dream Meanings
Pinch Dream Meanings To dream of being pinched means someone is trying to get your attention.This dream could also be telling you to face problems or feelings head-on instead of…
Dream About Someone Suffering
Dream About Someone Suffering Dream about Someone Suffering stands for your true self.Something is coming to an end.You need to gain more insight into some situation and look beyond what…
What Does It Mean to Dream About a Chew?
What Does It Mean to Dream About a Chew? Generally, these dreams symbolize feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.People tend to experience such dreams if they are engaged in something that brings…
What does it mean when you are dating someone in your dream?
What does it mean when you are dating someone in your dream? Dating someone can be an exciting dream if it’s someone you’re attracted to, or a horrifying dream if…
Sycamore Dream meaning
Sycamore Dream meaning A sycamore tree in a dream also represents a rich and a strong person who benefits others.A sycamore tree in a dream also could be interpreted as…